We're different:

Conflicts of Interest


Traditional financial advisors may recommend investments to clients because they earn a commission on those investments.  For example, the financial disclosure of a popular investment firm for school employees states: 
"The way we make money creates some conflicts with your interests. You should understand and ask us about these conflicts because they can affect the recommendations and investment advice, we provide you."

Educated Investors LLC is different:
We don't accept commissions from brokers or insurance companies for recommendations that we make to clients.  We'll help you maximize your wealth, not brokers' fees.  As a licensed fiduciary, Mark has a legal and ethical obligation to put your interests first.



Traditional financial advisors charge high fees and many investments that financial advisors recommend have high expenses.  This simply reduces your returns. 

Educated Investors LLC is different:
We charge reasonable, flat fees for financial planning and ongoing investement advice that can be paid monthly.  And Mark will help you select investments with reasonable expenses.



Many advisors steer clients toward annuities.  Annuities may seem safe, but the hidden risk is that they are complicated, expensive, and generally don't keep up with inflation.  

Educated Investors LLC is different:
While past results do not guarantee future results, we offer highly diversified, research-driven portfolios that have a long history of beating inflation.

Behavioral Risks


Financial advisors may not adequately inform their clients about their investments, which can lead to emotional and poorly informed decision making.

Educated Investors LLC is different:
We educate clients about their investments and provide personal guidance to help you weather financial difficulties and avoid rash decision making.

Typical Advisor

Educated Investors LLC

Conflicts of Interest

Traditional financial advisors may recommend investments to clients because they earn a commission on those investments.  For example, the financial disclosure of a popular investment firm for school employees states:
"The way we make money creates some conflicts with your interests. You should understand and ask us about these conflicts because they can affect the recommendations and investment advice we provide you."


Educated Investors LLC does not accept commissions from brokers or insurance companies for recommendations that we make to clients.  We'll help you maximize your wealth, not brokers' fees.  As a licensed fiduciary, Mark has a legal and ethical obligation to put your interests first.


Traditional financial advisors charge high fees and many investments that financial advisors recommend have high expenses.  This simply reduces your returns.

Educated Investors LLC charges reasonable, flat fees for financial planning and ongoing investement advice that can be paid monthly.  And Mark will help you select investments with reasonable expenses.



Many advisors steer clients toward annuities.  Annuities may seem safe, but the hidden risk is that they are complicated, expensive, and generally don't keep up with inflation.  


While past results do not guarantee future results, Educated Investors LLC offers highly diversified, research-driven portfolios that have a long history of beating inflation.


Behavioral Risks

Financial advisors may not adequately inform their clients about their investments, which can lead to emotional and poorly informed decision making.

Educated Investors LLC educates clients about their investments and provides personal guidance to help you weather financial difficulties and avoid rash decision making.


Contact us:

Scarborough, Maine